We're going meta here, so bear with me. MLive trawled its comments for reheatable content, and came up with the perennial hobbyhorse of drug-addicted welfare queens. One reader commented that "[u]nlike three lefts, three wrongs to not make a right. Why punish the kids because their parents smoke pot, the only detectable drug is most testing. Sorry kids, you have to starve because daddy smoked down at a rock show two weeks ago."
Should welfare recipients be drug free? Readers weigh in on proposed tests
Not content merely to take away daddy's weed, two commenters double down:
Two issues. First, poor people are entitled to nothing beyond what is absolutely necessary to keep body and soul together. After a day of grueling overtime at their minimum-wage jobs, they are to retire to their hovels and contemplate their children's dim future while munching stale bread and commodity baked beans.
Second, trophytaker seems perversely proud of never going to concerts. At best, "I never go out" is a neutral statement. At worst, it's a depressing indictment of someone with no interest in culture or entertainment beyond cable TV. If trophytaker won't spend hard-earned cash on concerts, why should a poor person be allowed to do so? Maybe if the poor person would get a job trophytaker approves of, instead of dealing drugs, s/he would be permitted an occasional night out to enjoy wholesome local music. Like Carol Johnson.
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