Saturday, June 4, 2011

Here We Go Again

Should Michigan drug test welfare recipients?

We went through all this some time ago, and it ended with an injunction against the law and a settlement stating that it was unconstitutional for the FIA (now DHS) to drug test without a reasonable suspicion that the welfare recipient is actually using drugs. Naturally the commentariat is eager to explain why they should be the boss of you.

Because "workers" and "welfare recipients" are vastly different classes of people, never to meet. Also: eliminationism!

If only we were a nation of Pavlik Morozovs. Also, did you know that I drink your oxygen? I drink it all up!

I don't think dh realizes that by this logic, if he earns less than $166,000 per year or thereabouts, he too is a bottom feeder.

On a related note: Finding summer employment won't be easy for teenagers.

Why would anyone want stupid welfare or food stamps if they could have free slave labor instead?

1 comment:

  1. "I Drink Your Milkshake" link is priceless & wow I know a lot of "bottom feeders". Nothing like perspective of how things really are.
