Friday, August 5, 2011

Step Away From The Keyboard

Wednesday's Social Security checks will arrive on time after debt ceiling compromise reached

Nobody told me about any liberal campaign of terror. I'm always down for a torch-and-pitchfork flashmob. Seriously, next time you should call me.

His unique spelling gives the comment has a 19th-century flavor. I imagine Mr. R---, of the village of H---, half-rising from his wheeled invalid's chair, consumed with indignation. Those d----d scoundrels! Such villainy!

So it's true? Tom Rademacher is the source of all evil? I suspected as much.


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  3. Rumsfeld rules seems like a troll job to me. Too wacky, but I'm not sure. Perhaps he plots his revenge?

  4. Perhaps he resides in my building, slowly growing mad.
