This thread becomes very convoluted very quickly; please bear with me.
ArmOFtheLORD, like Fpd047, knows which racial slurs are permitted. He's referring to an earlier comment by Jesus_said, which as far as I can tell no longer appears anywhere on MLive.
My guess is that ts673335's first paragraph quotes Jesus_said and the second and third paragraphs are a response, but without the referent it's impossible to say for sure.
Fun fact: opinions differ on whether there is a patron saint of fetuses, and who that saint might be. None of them live in Davison, though.
Note that ts673335 is on a rampage, adding the same comment to every thread with a post by Jesus_said, as here, here, and here:
ArmOFtheLORD is definitely Christian Identity, and his rhetoric is very similar to Jesus_said's. Having his two aliases engage in conversation is a nice touch. Naturally no one can verify or disprove ts's claim, but it's plausible.
Interesting if that term is the equivalent of the "N" word among the Jewish shouldn't mlive ban it? Of course his sh!t & a$$ also. I wonder how much of this stuff gets taken down if reported on Mlive.