Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Shape Up Or Ship Out (Or Both)

Dan Rather on 'National Disgrace' of Detroit Public Schools: Time to start listening to kids

No, it's time to listen to me. I'm Old Man Mushmorton!*

Note that the starting salary of of a Michigan money-grubbing teacher averages $31,753. I can't imagine that metro Detroit weighs in at the high end of the spread.

The commenter appears to have modeled his vision of early childhood education on reservation boarding schools. You know, "Kill the Indian, save the man," rampant physical and sexual abuse, etc. And locating this new school in Standish Prison will save taxpayer dollars and cut down on resistance efforts on the part of the newly-minted orphans.

This comment was flagged for removal but remains accessible via his profile page. It's not clear if he proposes involuntary surgical sterilization, or if his "program" involves contraceptives sprayed from crop dusters or released into the water supply. People who breed themselves into one's wallet must be very small, like gnomes or pixies. Maybe I could keep one as a pet!

For consideration: if "Between the Thieves and the Breeders" were a band lineup, would you attend their show?

* This is my new favorite screen name.

1 comment:

  1. "mushHEADmorton" is what I'll call him after reading some of his many extreme comments on his profile page is a world class extremist. I wonder if he likes the military industrial complex taking a lot of his tax money or will he only blame his taxes on teachers, schools & poor people?
