Tuesday, May 10, 2011

It's A Twofer!

Semester over, but critics inside Hope College say debate over homosexuality is unresolved

Or: "Hope College deigns to formally acknowledge the existence of The Gays, sets off three MLive shitstorms (and counting)."

It's this kind of grudging gesture towards "tolerance" that I find most galling. Expecting gratitude from a persecuted group on the grounds that their persecution is less violent than previously is the worst sort of passive-aggressive manipulation. But wait, there's more!

I believe he is referring to the hardline Islamists who declared a gay-free zone in East London earlier this year, meeting substantial pushback from Muslim and non-Muslims alike. It's not clear whether Sage approves of this development. He must be experiencing classic ambivalence, where he simultaneously loathes Muslims and applauds their actions. I expect he's going through a difficult time right now. He could use your support, and perhaps an oil massage from a really hot Muslim dude, just to amp up his ambivalence to the furthest possible degree.

1 comment:

  1. The rate society is going Sage will eventually become a hardline Islamist because of too much "tolerance" with gays from western religions as time goes on. I bet he hates gays more than he loves whatever "God" is in his warped mind.
