Wednesday, April 20, 2011

It's Extremely Difficult to Prove a Negative

Photo gallery: Dearborn is not a Sharia state

MLive's Jeff Wattrick takes us on a photo tour of Dearborn in an effort to demonstrate that it is not, in fact, a foreign country. The response is much as might be predicted.

I believe Christopher Logan's first comment refers to this incident, in which an evangelical Christian group claimed that sidewalk harassment of people attending a street fair was an integral component of their religious expression. His second comment is a syntactical disaster. I can't determine the antecedent to "it," in the second sentence. Is democracy the failure, or would that be Islam? Furthermore he appears to be using "democracy" as an intransitive verb. I am confused.

Today, Dearborn. Tomorrow... Livonia! Truly, paranoia strikes deep

Meanwhile, others have more pressing concerns.

Maybe ateam78 is a Muslim. Maybe he just wants to know which mosque Wattrick attends, and who he thinks is the best halal butcher. Maybe, maybe not.

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