Sunday, May 1, 2011

His Colors Don't Run (They Just Get Flagged For Removal)

NAACP honors Kid Rock for being Detroit booster
"His work as a regional booster behind the scenes and in front of the camera has garnered him many accolades, including a Spirit of Detroit award at his 40th birthday bash in January. So recognition from the local branch of the NAACP should come as no surprise — except that Kid Rock, a longtime aficionado of Southern rock, also is known for using the Confederate flag in his on-stage act."
I often wonder if people with Confederate flag clothing or car accessories intend to express racism in the form of historical nostalgia, or if they just have bad taste in music.

closetheborders is happy to clear that up the issue. When his comment is removed, rich1028 leaps to the rescue with scare quotes.

There are no Neo-Confederate hate groups active in Michigan at this time, so maybe they really are just angry that all the black welfare mothers stole the money they were saving up for Lynyrd Skynyrd tickets.

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