Sunday, July 3, 2011

Missing the Gunpoint, Part II

Paul Keep: Reporting about guns riles up readers

The best part about this commentary is watching how closely the commenters Keep highlights track with the list of commenters I've pegged as idiots, bigots, unhealthily bloodthirsty, or some combination of the three. It also gave joy to my heart to see profane Mexican slang printed in the Sunday Grand Rapids Press.*

Please note that commenters are referring to a publication that endorsed John McCain. "Liberal," in this context, means "slightly to the right of Kim Jong-il." But let's get down to the real business at hand: abortion!

It pains me to have to explain this, Jon, but we cannot require a permit to have an abortion for the same reasons that we cannot require a permit to have a baby. Also, do you propose a minimum age for abortions,  and if so do you believe that requiring a 12-year-old to carry a fetus to term would cause less physical and emotional harm than simply allowing her to get an abortion? Does the background check include a credit report? If a criminal background check turns up child abuse or sex offense charges, will abortion be prescribed or prohibited? Will you track abortions performed in other states, to combat abortion-related border-jumping? Is this like a hunting license, and if so will these permits be issued by the DNR? How long of a waiting period do you propose? Is three weeks enough, or would you rather it were three months? And has it occurred to you that the woman knows abortion ends in death, and is seeking one for that reason?

* Not an ironic statement. Seriously, it made me smile.

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