Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Your Race Card Was Denied

Guest column: Emergency manager law upends notions of democracy

I will not attempt to wade further into this thread, which by now has 114 comments. Instead, a glorious tangent:

Which is to say, he likes black people as long as they uphold the interests of rich white men and steer clear of anything that might benefit the black community. BO was counting on Powell to bite the bullet and endorse McCain. He needed to be able to point to a black public figure he approved of in order to demonstrate his commitment to non-racist political discourse. Now he might have to resort to Condoleezza Rice, and she's a chick so it doesn't really count.

For reference, if I had to choose between Herman Cain and a refrigerator I would go for the refrigerator, especially if it had a built-in ice machine.

1 comment:

  1. A black republican is about equal to a broken refrigerator. At least Alan Keyes once did a dive in to a mosh pit once for an endorsement (for Michael Moore's TV series about a decade ago ).
