Wednesday, May 18, 2011

How to Tell If You Have Been Raped [UPDATED]

Commenter raymondpistachio is fond of declaring that assault and sexual harassment of women are part of a nefarious feminist plot, and that every rape is another salvo in the covert "War on Men." As far as I can tell he has no interest in any other topic.

Thus far, ray has confined himself to dismissing all sexual assault or harassment cases as either fabricated or somehow not rape. He knows where the boundary lies, and won't actually deny that rape occurs, and that it is a criminal act. I have taken to amusing myself* by imagining, in excruciating detail, exactly what must transpire in order for raymondpistachio to deem the proceedings Real Actual Rape.

Say that ray's actual, personal grandmother, the most harmless and endearing old lady anyone can imagine, is at home asleep in her Lanz of Salzburg nightie, and say that a maniac escaped from the county jail breaks into her home, bludgeons her about the face with a reproduction lamp, and has his way with her. Is this rape?

Well. There's a distinct possibility she's been raped, but we'll have to establish a few facts before we can determine whether or not the bitch had it coming. First, was she reading a book? A book of dirty stories that got her hot and bothered? NOT RAPE. Did the maniac enter through a window? Was the window locked? Did he break it in? Or did he enter through the door? And why wasn't that door locked? NOT RAPE. Did she fight him off? With sufficient vigor that her heart murmur started acting up? Did she suffer increased injury as a direct consequence of her resistance, and if not, how does this differ from rough sex? NOT RAPE. Did she scream "No, help, stop, I'm being raped," regardless of how far away the nearest neighbor or her dentures were at the time? NOT RAPE. When the maniac fled the scene, did she immediately call her loving grandson raymondpistachio so he could confirm the validity of her experience? There are just so many unanswered questions!

Clearly, while Real Actual Rape remains a distant possibility, it is never found in contemporary society, because women are lying whores. Except for feminists, who are lying harpies, on account of being so ugly they can't give it away.

[Updated to add ray's eloquent defense of Dominique Strauss-Kahn: French politician on suicide watch in New York

Note that the article does not state whether the woman's lawyer is a public prosecutor or private attorney, nor does it mention whether he is working pro bono. Ray appears unaware that "the state" in its entirety is not capable of appearing in court, and usually engages "private attorneys" to perform this task. As for the rest, I don't even know where to begin. He passes up a chance to call the woman a dirty slut, but packs nearly every other sexual assault-related myth into a few short paragraphs.

* Obligatory disclaimer: I am  aware that rape is not funny. You're welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Ray is "eloquent" in twisting reality once again not really in his writing.
