Saturday, April 2, 2011

Your 1st Amendment Right to Be an Douchebag

Federal judge says SMART must accept 'Leaving Islam?' bus ads

I give this one points for use of the word "Levantine," but take them back again for his blithe assumption that all Muslims, everywhere, constitute a single nation. The irony is that what he believes has already taken place -- i.e., the unification of all Muslims into a global theocracy--is the very thing Al-Qaeda wants but hasn't achieved.

An actual "pro-union hipster college douchebag anarchist" would be a fearsome chimera, and would inevitably tear itself apart when the hipster realized it was part douchebag and the anarchist realized it was pro-union.

1 comment:

  1. He missed vegan/vegetarian and or atheist/budhist, but they are getting better on there in the insults, makes the reading much more fun.
